12A registration is a one-time registration which is granted by the Income Tax Department to trusts and other not for profit organisations. The purpose of the registration is to be exempted from the payment of income tax. 12A registration is generally applied for immediately after incorporation. Section 8 Companies, Trusts and NGOs which have obtained 12A registration enjoy exemption from paying income tax on their surplus income. The 12A registration facility is available for all non-profit entities. Hence, it is necessary for all Trusts, NGOs and other Not-for-Profit organisations to be aware of Section 12A of the Income Tax Act. The purpose of the present article is to discuss the procedure for obtaining 12A registration.

80G is a certificate that exempts you part or fully from paying taxes, if you have made donations to charitable trusts or section 8 company or organizations that are registered to offer you exemptions from taxes. For e.g. A charitable organization or trust registered under section 12 A, allows you to avail tax exemption under section 80G. There is however a maximum allowable deduction criteria. The criterion is if the aggregate of the amount you donate exceeds 10% of the total gross income, then the excess amount will not qualify for tax benefit. 80G certificates made its way into law book in the year 1967-68 and it continues to be an important tax saving certificate.
